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Birmingham Library Program: Mission Statement

To work collaboratively with classroom teachers and administrators to provide the resources and instruction for students and staff so that they will: (1) Expand their reading interests and abilities, (2) Become effective researchers, (3) Use inquiry and technology meaningfully, (4), Enhance critical thinking (5) and Gain and create new knowledge.

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BPS strongly believes that education is a shared responsibility within the school community, which encompasses parents, teachers, administrators, students, and citizens residing in the district. The district acknowledges and supports parents' right to be informed about the curriculum being utilized and the books their child is borrowing.

In addition, BPS upholds the principles of freedom of information and recognizes students' entitlement to access materials as outlined in various American Library Association documents such as "The Freedom to Read," "Freedom to View," "Library Bill of Rights," and "Access to Resources & Services in the School Library." However, there may be instances where a parent desires to limit their child's access to certain books or where objections are raised by members of the school community regarding library materials despite undergoing a thorough selection process.

For detailed insights into our library resources and selection procedure here from BPS librarians themselves. Whether its guidance on how you can collaborate with your child's school in fostering lifelong readership or making informed decisions about which books your child can avail within our school libraries, we encourage you to listen directly from them.

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