Great Start Readiness Program (GSRP)
Families interested in enrolling their child in the Great Start Readiness Program (GSRP/PreK-For-All) for the 2025-2026 academic year at BPS are required to complete the online interest form starting Monday, Jan. 6. Data collected from the online submissions will be utilized to help district leadership determine program site locations.
The program is a free, grant-funded program for eligible four-year-old children. Upon completion of the online interest form, families will receive additional information regarding class placement and enrollment details after Monday, Feb. 3.
Daily Routine
Arrival/Greeting Time
Children enter the classroom at their own pace. Parents/guardians are encouraged to stay until the children are ready for them to leave. Children have choices about whether to spend time with books or interact with adults and one another. Once all children have arrived, adults share the message board.
Large Group
All adults and children participate in activities planned around children’s interests, developmental levels, music and movement, cooperative play and projects, and events meaningful to children.
Planning Time
Through small group experiences, children indicate their plans to adults in a place where intimate conversation can occur and where people and materials are visible. Adults use a range of strategies to support children’s planning.
Work Time
One hour of uninterrupted choice time where children initiate activities and carry out their intentions. Children make many choices about where and how to use materials. During work time, adults participate as partners in child-initiated play and encourage children’s problem solving both with materials and during times of social conflict.
Clean Up Time
Children and adults clean up together, keeping the spirit of play and problem solving alive. Children make many choices during clean up time. Adults accept children’s level of involvement and skill while supporting their learning.
Recall and Snack Time
Gathered in a small group setting, children choose work time experiences to reflect on, talk about, and exhibit. Adults provide a variety of materials and strategies to maintain interests as they follow the children’s lead and encourage children to share. Children will also be provided a snack. Family style meals support children doing things for themselves (e.g., serve themselves, pour beverages, distribute napkins, and wipe up spills). Children choose whether to eat, what to eat, and how much to eat. Adults eat and have meaningful conversations with children.
Small Group Time
An adult-initiated learning experience based on children’s interests and development where children can explore, play, work with materials, and talk about what they are doing. Individual children explore and use the same set of materials in their own way.
Outside Time
Children have many choices about how they play in the outdoor learning environment much as they do during work time indoors. Adults supervise children for safety and also join in their outdoor play, supporting children’s initiatives and problem solving.
Lunch Time
Family-Style meals support children doing things for themselves (e.g., serve themselves, pour beverages, distribute napkins, wipe up spills). Children choose whether to eat, what to eat, and how much to eat. Adults eat and have meaningful conversations with the children. Children are encouraged to clean their own snack space including disposal of left overs, wiping of tables, and pushing in their own chairs.
Quiet/Rest Time
Resting is a time for sleeping or quiet, solitary, on-your-own-cot play. Rest Time plans are individualized to meet the needs of each child. Quiet play could include books, soft music, baby dolls, or fine motor manipulatives.