Tuition Enrollment Program 2025-2026
Birmingham Public Schools will accept non-resident students in our tuition program as follows:
- Applications will be accepted starting Dec. 9, 2024.
- Applications must be submitted in person and by appointment at the BPS Education & Administration Center located at 31301 Evergreen Road in Beverly Hills.
- A $50 non-refundable application fee will be part of the $1,000 deposit or first payment depending on the time of enrollment. Once an applicant is accepted and the student is enrolled, the application fee is then applied towards the tuition balance. Applications from Birmingham School District employee’s children will not require an application fee.
- Families may indicate a first, second and third choice of schools. Acceptance will be determined based on available spaces once all requirements have been met.
NOTE: Failure to establish a payment schedule or pay the tuition balance as agreed upon will result in the immediate termination of the student, and the loss of any tuition paid to date.
- Birmingham Schools will not accept students who have been expelled or were in danger of being expelled from a district or if the student fails to meet the minimum requirements for their appropriate grade level.
- Office of the Enrollment Coordinator will request a release of funds from the resident districts for all tuition students.
A release from the resident district is necessary in order for the State Foundation Grant to follow the student to Birmingham Schools. If release is granted, then the family only pays the difference to complete the tuition cost. - School districts reserve the right to deny release of the foundation grant. (Most districts do not approve release of the foundation grant.)
- Children of district employees do not require a release or payment.
- Office of the Enrollment Coordinator will notify parents by mail whether their home district has approved or denied the release and of their remaining tuition balance.