meal accounts
Breakfast & Lunch
Lunch and breakfast are provided daily at all Birmingham Public Schools.
All students are offered nutritious and delicious meal choices that align with USDA requirements. The lunch program for secondary students includes a complete meal with a variety of choices, as well as separate a la carte items for purchasing. Adult meals can not be subsidized by federal funds, this is why teachers and other district staffers have a different rate even if the meal is exactly the same.
Access your BPS meal account to make payments, deposit funds, review activity, place restrictions and much more.
Once a student has officially registered with the BPS, a meal account will be created on their behalf with that student's information being imported from PowerSchool. Students who do not plan on utilizing food services for breakfast, lunch or snack will still have an active account as they could go their entire BPS school career without using that account.
Parents can view their student's account information through the student meal portal, which allows for money deposits, activity review, restriction placement and much more. Funds (cash or check) added to a student's account must be payable to BPS.
District employees utilizing the cafeterias at their respective school sites are encouraged to create an account, too, by sending a request to Chartwells administrators.
Account Policy
Meal accounts should be prepaid and should not to be utilized as a charge account, but rather more similar to a checking or debit account. Students will never be denied food access unless a parental restriction has been put into place. If an account has a negative balance, we ask that payment is made quickly through the student meal portal or by check/cash at the school.
Students are allowed to charge a complete school meal (entree, fruit, vegetable and milk) on their account. Families will be notified via email regarding negative balances with instructions for payment.