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Breakfast & Lunch Menus


Breakfast is served at all 13 schools this year, is available every school day this year (including half days) and will be served up until the first bell.

This year, breakfast will be provided at all 13 schools. It will be available on every school day, including half days, and will be served up until sound of the first bell.


Lunch is provided every school day and consists of the main entree, servings of fruits & vegetables and a choice of low-fat milk.

The Michigan School Meals Program is providing financial support for complimentary meals during the current academic year. The funding allocated to this program enables every student to receive a free breakfast and lunch.

As per the guidelines of the program, students must include a serving of fruit or vegetable with their breakfast and lunch meals to be eligible.


As a result of disruptions in the national supply chain, it may be necessary for us to make adjustments to our menus with minimal or no advance notice. Rest assured that we are making every effort to provide meals as originally planned. We sincerely appreciate your understanding and cooperation during this time. Thank you.

— Management

Free School Meals 2024-2025

Michigan’s 1.4 million public school children will be receiving nutritious free meals at school this year as a result of a $160 million appropriation in the state’s School Aid budget adopted by the state legislature and signed into law by Gov. Gretchen Whitmer.