Health & Wellness
When a health and wellness issue arises, the district works together with the school(s) to provide families with useful information and resources that can help prevent the spread of illness or obtain treatment. BPS collaborates with either the Oakland County Health Division or the Center for Disease Control, depending on the situation, always prioritizing the well-being and safety of our students, families, and community. Principals at each school are ready to address specific concerns or assist families in accessing the right resources.
Additional health and wellness information can be found by visiting Oakland County Health division.
- Emotional Health & Wellness
- Mental Health, Wellness & Crisis
- Communicable Diseases Guidelines
- Birmingham-Bloomfield Community Coalition
- Dental
- Kindergarten Oral Health Assessment
- Triennial Assessment
Emotional Health & Wellness
Mental Health, Wellness & Crisis
Communicable Diseases Guidelines
Birmingham-Bloomfield Community Coalition
Kindergarten Oral Health Assessment
Triennial Assessment
Forms & Resources
Suicide Prevention Lifeline:
988 or 800.273.8255 (TALK) or (TEXT) "Hello" to 741741
Domestic Violence Hotline:
1.800.799.7233 (SAFE)
Mental Health Hotline:
1.888.535.6136 Press "8" to talk to a Michigan Stay Well Counselor
Dial 911 if you or the person you are
helping is in immediate danger